10 ways to prevent symptoms "Flatulence-indigestion"

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10 ways to prevent symptoms "Flatulence-indigestion"

Post by jiraporn66 » Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:56 am


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Flatulence can come for many reasons. May come from eating too much food Or food eaten may be difficult to digest But whenever you feel bloated It's not a joke at all because it makes us sick and agonize so many people cannot eat and sleep. Until having to quickly find medicine to eat

But we can actually relieve indigestion without always relying on antibiotics.

Causes of flatulence
Not chewing food thoroughly before swallowing. Making food more difficult to digest
Eating food too quickly
Chewing food
Drink soft drinks or alcoholic beverages between meals.
Eating large amounts of difficult to digest foods, such as meat, fried foods, high fat foods. Starches that are difficult to digest, such as raw bananas, brown rice, tubers
Side effects from diseases related to the intestines And the digestive system such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel tumors, etc.
Side effects from using certain medications That causes a lot of gas in the stomach and intestines such as aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, etc.
Allergic to certain foods, such as protein, gluten

How to relieve indigestion
Chew food for a long time And more detailed By chewing food 20-30 times before swallowing every bite
Limit your intake of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. Because it can contribute to gas accumulation in the stomach
Avoid eating foods that contain sorbitol (a common sugar substitute, chewing gum. And some candies) because they are made from fructose sugar that causes flatulence
In people allergic to gluten Should avoid eating such symptoms.
Limiting foods that are difficult to digest, such as high-fat foods, fried foods
Not eating too much in one meal
Eat foods that contain probiotics or live microorganisms, such as yogurt, to help increase the good bacteria in the gut. Reduce bloating Including constipation and diarrhea
Move the body gently After meals It helps the body get rid of gas from the intestines and stomach.
Exercise regularly Increase bowel movements and help relieve stress.
Eat herbs that have expel effects. Relieves bloating such as ginger, peppermint, cinnamon, chamomile, basil, cumin, garlic, nutmeg, parsley and oregano.

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