What kind of symptoms should "endoscopy" check for "colon"

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What kind of symptoms should "endoscopy" check for "colon"

Post by jiraporn66 » Mon Jan 11, 2021 4:23 am


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Colon cancer horrors It's not just symptoms and life-threatening. But the real horror of the colon Is often not showing obvious symptoms And make it detected when the disease has advanced
Why should I have a colonoscopy exam?
Data from Thonburi Bamrungmuang Hospital indicates that colon cancer is in fact If found early Resulting in a much higher chance of treatment For this reason, early detection of colon cancer is extremely important.

Who should have a colonoscopy?
The CDC recommends colon cancer screening in all people 50-75 years old (because colon cancer is associated with older age) .In people younger than 50 years, colon cancer should be screened. When you or your relative have a history of intestinal polyps Or colon cancer In people with a history of Inflammatory bowel disease, or certain genetic disorders that increase the risk of colon cancer.

What kind of symptoms should "endoscopy" check for "colon"
Changes in the digestive system, such as

Blood transfusion
Constipation and diarrhea
Taking smaller lumps
From these symptoms May be suspicious of intestinal disorders until seeing a doctor But there is another group of symptoms that are generally very few people think is related to colon cancer. And that may slow detection, for example

Weight loss of unknown cause
Colonoscopy Is one of the methods that have been used to detect this disease. It has another important benefit is that biopsy of the colon can be examined. Without having to open the abdomen Or you can check for other disorders that cause intestinal changes as well.

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