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8 foods that people want to be slim

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:16 am
by ritcha

How much do you love thinness? There is no need to starve dry mouth. Just dating these food as friends. You have the right to be as skinny as everyone else.

1. Leave room for dessert.
If you love any dessert, you don't have to starve. But cut the rice in half for the stomach to eat snacks. Like rice will eat, snacks will take.

2. Juicy food
Watermelon, tomatoes, cucumbers, grapefruit mushrooms, cantaloupe, must be kept in the refrigerator. Or if you like noodles, you have to eat noodle soup and drink a lot of curry sauce. What meal do you eat? Dieters should have a regular curry paste to help with every meal. Water will help you feel full faster. Plus, I'm full and my stomach is heavy. I'm not hungry often.

3. Less protein, easy to digest
The best protein food that is easily digested, low in fat, must be given to all kinds of fish. There are also chicken breasts, egg whites, crab, shrimp, tofu, low-fat milk, and nuts. See, you can stay slim without starving.

4. Food that stimulates work.
This kind of food is not difficult to find. Because they are nuts, they can be peas, peanuts, broad beans. Except for the nuts called cashews. because there may be too much fat

5. Chewing Gum Reduces Cravings
There is research that Just chewing gum alone can make us full. Because perhaps what you thought was hunger was just a craving. I just want to have something to chew and fix my empty mouth.

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6. Hot Drinks
The heat will stimulate the metabolism to work better. people who drink hot tea At the end of a meal, they tend to be thinner than those who end up with cold water.

7. Spicy food
The capsaicin in chili peppers is the ultimate metabolism booster. People who eat chili peppers or foods with spicy spices. There will be a chance to slim up by 20% without having to go jogging to waste time. Plus, when eating spicy food, we need to drink a lot of water. This means limiting yourself to eating less by default.

8. Sachet Oatmeal
This kind of oatmeal is available at most supermarkets. So don't complain that you can't buy it. When you're hungry, instead of getting up to greet the aunt who sells curry rice. Just make this oatmeal and eat it. You will be full right away. Because oats are high in fiber, they are heavy on the stomach. One sachet can last for several hours. Plus it's low in calories. Well, like this, take the position of a dietitian's trustee.