Mania, another common symptom of bipolar disorder

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Mania, another common symptom of bipolar disorder

Post by jiraporn66 » Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:18 am


Bipolar disorder is known to be slotxo caused by an emotional disorder. Patients with bipolar disorder tend to have mood swings. Good or bad. The script will be good. The chapter is evil, it is aggressive. Have a strong temper Or may have severe depression

Hello Doctor, let's bring you everyone to know mania, also known as mania. Abnormally good mood It is another emotional state of bipolar disorder.

Get to know mania
Mania (Mania or Hypomania) or abnormal emotional state. It is most common in patients with bipolar disorder. It is caused by emotional disorders that result in the patient having an abnormally good mood. Are alert all the time

For patients with bipolar disorder who are in manic episode May occur alternating with depression Or have a very aggressive temper if left for a long time without proper and proper treatment. In addition to having an impact on daily life, it also affects the state of mind.

What are the causes of mania?
Although mania It may be one of the symptoms of bipolar disorder. But mania can be caused by other causes and factors as follows.

Alcohol or drug use Changes in sleep habits Depression Have a high level of stress Side effects from taking certain drugs Mania symptoms In patients with bipolar disorder

Mania causes the patient to have an abnormally good mood. Are awake all the time Including other symptoms as follows

There is a lot of power
Easily distracted
Speak fast
Quick decision, lack of restraint There is a high risk of subsequent effects.
Talk a lot wrong Or there is a feeling of pressure that has to continue to speak
Sleep less than usual
Very energetic, does not feel sleepy.
Behavior changes such as profanity and dress
Feeling a lot of momentum In doing things To achieve their own goals
Sensitivity, such as smell, touch
Careless expenditures, such as buying a car without being able to pay for the car installment

Guidelines for treatment Medical treatment
Initially, the doctor will ask about the patient's history and symptoms. Focus on treatment to relieve the symptoms of the patient. There are different methods of treatment to suit the needs of the patients. And may also be prescribed drugs such as psychotropic drugs such as benzodiazepines. (Benzodiazepines) Lithium (Lithium) Valproic acid (Valproic)

Holistic treatment
In addition to medical treatment There is also a holistic approach to treatment. And behavior modifications to control symptoms and alleviate the severity of mania as follows:

Exercise regularly every day.
Get enough sleep for at least 7-8 hours per night.
Eat a healthy diet.
Avoid eating a manic-inducing substance, such as caffeine, sugar.

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