Numbness in the hands and feet may be a warning sign Peripheral neuropathy in the elderly

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Numbness in the hands and feet may be a warning sign Peripheral neuropathy in the elderly

Post by Gina » Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:57 am

numbness in the tip of the hand The tip of the toe is a symptom that will come and disappear until many people are calm because they did not expect it to be a warning signal to a serious disease such as paralysis, paralysis. Today joker there is interesting information about Peripheral neuropathy Diseases that cause numbness in the hands and feet. Let's leave each other.

What is peripheral neuropathy?
Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition of the nerves. that serves to send commands from the central nervous system which is the brain And the spinal cord to various parts of the body is abnormal. or can cause some diseases If it is damaged it can cause numbness in the body, muscle weakness.

Peripheral neuropathy can affect many nerves in the body, possibly affecting the nervous system in many places. vary from person to person For some people, it may affect only one nerve. But for some people it can affect multiple nerves. lines at the same time

Types of peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral neuritis is a disease that can be divided according to the cause of the disease. Peripheral neuritis is a common disease. especially among those over the age of 55.

Solitary neuropathy (Mononeuropathy)
Solitary neuropathy It is a disease that damages only one peripheral nervous system, so it is called solitary neuropathy. (Mononeuropathy), which is a common cause of this type of peripheral neuropathy. bodily injury or accidental injury In addition, the nerve compression for a long time. It can cause as well, such as sitting in a wheelchair for a long time, lying in bed, which physical movement can help stimulate.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the solitary types of peripheral neuropathy. This is when the nerves in the wrist are pressed, causing numbness in the hand. Most often this happens to people who work with repetitive hand movements. People who have to type all day use computer all day

Multiple neuropathy (Polyneuropathy)
Multiple neuropathy It is a form of neuritis in which multiple nerves are damaged. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that can be caused by a wide range of factors ranging from exposure to certain toxins. Frequent alcohol consumption, vitamin B deficiency, or even as a result of complications from diseases such as cancer, kidney failure.

The most common cause of multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease such as diabetes, which occurs predominantly in patients who do not have good blood sugar control. which symptoms are often found For people with multiple sclerosis, numbness, tingling sensation. Sometimes loss of sensation in the hands and feet and a burning sensation in the feet and hands

Treatment for peripheral neuropathy It is a treatment to relieve symptomatic pain and prevent further damage. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe medication according to the symptoms. Sometimes your doctor may recommend resting or applying heat to help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. If these methods do not respond to the symptoms of the disease may need surgery

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