best salt free water softener

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best salt free water softener

Post by aedanhall » Mon May 10, 2021 7:20 pm

I am asked every day: “What is the difference between a best salt free water softener?” In many cases we are led to believe both work the same, and the only difference is that one doesn’t use salt. This really isn’t the truth. So here’s the scoop:

Let’s take a look at how this system works. Water Softening by definition is REMOVING Calcium (Ca2+) and Magnesium (Mg2+) from the water through a process called ion exchange using a polymer resin bed which gives off a sodium particle in exchange for hardness minerals.A water test would show this type of result – Before treatment 10 grains/gallon, results after treatment 0 grains/gallon. The system works great.

Salt based water softeners use an electronic metered valve mounted atop a fiberglass resin tank that meter water by the gallon and then run a cleaning cycle when the ion resin bed reaches a saturation point. During the cleaning cycle, the electronic valve cycles a series of back flushes to purge the hardness particulates that have been captured from the system and flush them down a drain line. The sodium is also replenished in the resin bed during the cycle and all is ready to go again.

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