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5 Benefits of Drinking Coffee According to Science

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:38 am
by ritcha

Coffee (Coffee) is one of the beverages that is popular all over the world. with a variety of flavors The fragrance is nothing like it. It's also full of benefits. Today, we've gathered information on 5 benefits of drinking coffee based on science and study results for everyone to know.

1. Coffee increases energy.
As you know, coffee contains caffeine. When we drink coffee, caffeine enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain. make us feel awake have more energy more alert There is still inconclusive research showing that coffee improves brain function in memory, mood, and response to things.

2. Help burn fat
You might be wondering why coffee is used for weight loss. Because studies have shown that the caffeine in coffee can help increase our metabolic rate. There is also some work suggesting that caffeine can increase fat burning. But of course, all must be drunk in the right amount.

3. have good nutrition
In one cup of coffee, there are many good nutrients, such as Riboflavin (vitamin B2), that contributes to healthy skin. Prevent numbness of the hands and feet, Pantothenic acid(vitamin B5) helps the body to synthesize essential fatty acids, Manganese and potassium help the body to use the vitamins better. Helps the nervous system, Magnesium and niacin (vitamin B3) relieves headaches. help burn fat

4. It is a good source of antioxidants.
It has been found that the coffee beans are rich in polyphenols known as polyphenols. Chlorogenic acid is a natural antioxidant. This will reduce the risk of developing cancer. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease Help strengthen the immune system for the body.

5. Coffee may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease is a common neurodegenerative disease, especially in the elderly. Of course, the best prevention of Alzheimer's disease is a healthy diet, exercise, and adequate rest. Do activities that keep your brain working. However, research shows that coffee drinkers have a 65% risk of Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, coffee has many studies and studies suggesting that coffee is beneficial. Coffee helps us concentrate. Better focus on work Coffee may help reduce your chances of depression, however, as I always said, everything has to be in moderation. The best thing for our health is eating healthy food in all 5 categories, exercising regularly. get enough rest Because these are the foundations of good health with the most research and study results.

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